
The pressure tank is a key part of your residential well that is situated next to the pump that delivers the water from the tank to your home and stores water under pressure. When problems develop with this vital component, they can affect your well’s functionality. Here’s what you should know about properly maintaining the pressure tank, and how to tell when to replace it.

How Do Water Pressure Tanks Work?

The pressure tank holds water that is pressurized by the well pump. Whenever you turn on a faucet or flush a toilet, the stored pressure pushes water from the tank through the pipes to whichever fixture you’re using. The purpose of the pressure tank is both to regulate water pressure in the home and store water so that the well pump isn't constantly working. 

How Are Pressure Tanks Maintained?


Maintenance generally requires checking the tank's pressure once a year. If the pressure switch doesn't list the tank's pressure setting, wait until the tank is filled, then turn on a faucet inside the home. As water travels to the fixture, the tank's pressure will slowly decrease. Take note of the reading on the pressure switch when the pump is activated, then turn off the faucet and take note of the reading on the switch when the pump turns off. Most wells run optimally at 40/60 pressure. If you receive a lower or higher reading, contact a well service provider as lower pressures can affect water usage in the home.

What Are Signs It's Time for Replacement?

The average tank should last for up to 15 years if it’s well maintained. A quick way to tell if it needs replacing is by knocking on the top and listening for a hollow sound. If the tank sounds full, that’s an indication of a pressure imbalance within the tank. You can also determine when it's time for replacement based on the pressure reading. When you’re performing routine maintenance, check the pressure after you drain the water. It should read at least two pounds per square inch (psi) less than the pressure reading when the pump is running. If this number varies dramatically, it could be time to replace the unit. 

Is your water pressure tank acting up? Turn to the team at Oehler Pump & Well Service to provide prompt service when you need it the most. Proudly serving clients throughout Cabarrus County, NC, since 1970, the professionals at this family-owned business are committed to providing only the highest quality well service. They even offer same-day services in many cases, and emergency assistance as needed. Visit the website to find out more about how they can help with your water well needs, or call (704) 875-2209 to schedule an appointment.
