
Exercising regularly is one of the best ways to prevent heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States. DiVagno Interventional Cardiology in Rochelle Park, NJ, is committed to spreading awareness about the importance of physical activity in reducing the threat of heart disease.

One of the most common questions the team of board-certified, expert heart doctors at Divagno Interventional Cardiology hears from patients is: “how much do I need to exercise to keep my heart healthy?” Every patient is different, and what works for one patient may not be as beneficial for another. That’s why the physicians at DiVagno Interventional Cardiology get to know each patient individually to devise a heart-healthy exercise plan that makes sense for that person.

Here are three tips to get started on how much exercise is best for the health of your heart:

  • Heart Health150 Minutes Per Week Of Moderate Exercise: Moderate exercise includes activities like walking at a brisk pace, going on an easy bike ride, playing doubles tennis, or even just mowing the lawn. 150 minutes of exercise might seem like a lot, but that boils down to just five 30-minute exercise sessions per week.
  • 75 Minutes Per Week Of Vigorous Exercise: Some examples of vigorous exercise include jogging, riding your bike at a fast speed, or playing singles tennis. DiVagno Interventional Cardiology recommends that you divide the 75 minutes of vigorous exercise into three 25-minute sessions each week.
  • Combination Of Moderate And Vigorous Exercise: Many people prefer to mix up their exercise routines with a combination of moderate and vigorous activities. This is perfectly acceptable from a health standpoint, and the team at DiVagno Interventional Cardiology would be happy to help you come up with a fun and manageable workout plan that combines different levels of intensity.

If you still have questions about how much physical activity is best for your heart health, call DiVagno Interventional Cardiology today at (201) 845-3535 to speak to one of their caring staff members. You can also visit their website to see the full list of services they provide.
