
When you’re having heart attack symptoms, minutes matter—getting help quickly can save your life. That’s why if you are at risk for a heart attack or have a family history of heart disease, it’s important to know what to look for so you’re ready if the moment strikes. With that in mind, here are four signs you should never ignore.

4 Warning Signs of a Heart Attack in Women

1. Shortness of Breath

Struggling to catch your breath even though you’re not exerting yourself could be a sign of a heart attack or a less serious heart problem. Either way, if it persists for more than 24 hours, call your doctor. Shortness of breath accompanied by chest pain should be seen immediately in the emergency room.   

2. Extreme Fatigue

heart attack symptomsUnusual fatigue can precede a heart attack by several weeks. If you find that daily activities leave you feeling exhausted, it can be helpful to talk to your doctor. Extreme fatigue can also occur the moment right before a heart attack, so watch for this alongside other heart attack symptoms.  

3. Trouble Sleeping

About 50% of women in a 2003 study reported sleep issues in the weeks leading up to having a heart attack. These issues could include trouble falling or staying asleep or feeling tired even after a full night’s rest. If you’re experiencing this early warning sign and cutting back on caffeine and screen time doesn’t help, you may need to see a cardiologist.  

4. Chest Pain

A vague sense of discomfort or tightening sensation in the chest is one of the most obvious heart attack symptoms. The feeling may come in go within minutes, and it's often accompanied by symptoms like cold sweats and nausea. If you have unexplained chest pain, call 911. Some women may feel reluctant to call 911 for fear it’s not a true emergency, but early intervention can be the difference between life and death.  


If you’re having heart attack symptoms, help is never too far away. DiVagno Interventional Cardiology, MD, PA in Rochelle Park, NJ, offers outstanding cardiac care in three convenient locations. They use the latest technology in interventional cardiology and cardiac testing to prevent the occurrence of a serious cardiac event and help you live your best, heart-healthy life. Call (201) 845-3535 to schedule your appointment, visit their website, and check out their reviews on Facebook to see what patients are saying about their cardiac care.
