
The sooner you instill good oral hygiene habits in your children, the higher the likelihood is that they’ll enjoy excellent long-term dental health. However, it can be challenging to determine which skills need to be taught early in life. Becoming accustomed to certain routines now will naturally lead to other healthy patterns in the future.

What Oral Hygiene Habits Should You Teach Your Children?

1. Discourage Sharing 

Before children are taught about germs, they have no qualms about putting almost anything in their mouths, including food, utensils, cups, and pacifiers that have other people’s saliva on them. Teach them that bacteria and germs can spread this way, which may lead to cavities.  Similarly, don’t attempt to clean their utensils, cups, or pacifiers with your mouth. Wash them off with soap and water instead. 

2. Have a Brushing Routine 

When your child is an infant, clean off their gums with a damp cloth after every feeding. As soon as they begin teething, get into the habit of brushing them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste for two minutes twice a month. If you do this, they’ll be accustomed to an oral hygiene routine even before they’ve started to form lasting memories. 

3. Emphasize Healthy Eating 

oral hygiene La Crosse, WIMost children never seem to get tired of sweet foods, but you need to limit their sugar intake. This means having strict rules about consuming candies and desserts, but it also includes prioritizing vegetables and meat over fruit and grains, which also contain surprising amounts of sugar. Explain to them that these choices help to keep their teeth healthy and strong. Additionally, help them get used to drinking water more than other beverages, as water can wash food remnants off their teeth without leaving more sugar behind. 

4. See a Dentist Regularly 

Your child will need at least one visit with a pediatric dentist before their first birthday and one every six months after that. The dentist will ensure that their teeth are growing correctly and provide teeth cleanings and tooth fillings if necessary. You can also discuss preventative measures to follow in addition to their oral hygiene routine, including putting sealants on their teeth. 

Specializing in children’s dental health, La Crosse Pediatric Dentistry, LLC in La Crosse, WI, can help you instill healthy oral hygiene habits into your child at an early age. They strive to make every visit as comfortable and enjoyable as possible while resolving whatever issues come up and ensuring your child’s long-term well-being. Even when emergency dental care is needed outside of a regular appointment, they’ll gladly be there to help. Schedule a visit today by calling (608) 782-4054 or messaging the office online
