How to Care For Your Swimming Pool After a Rain Storm
Swimming pools require ongoing maintenance to ensure they have proper pH and chemical levels. A heavy rain storm can add a lot of extra water to your pool, throwing off these levels. Heavy storms with minor flooding can also sweep contaminants into the pool water. Knowing what pool maintenance is needed after a major storm will keep the water in good shape.
3 Ways to Care For Your Swimming Pool After a Major Storm
1. Check if Excess Water Needs to Be Drained
Start by checking the water level in your pool. After a heavy storm, there could be too much water, which throws off the water chemistry and the pool’s filtration abilities. If the water level is above the middle of the skimmer opening, set the pool pump to waste or backwash and gradually drain the water until it is roughly at the middle of the skimmer.
2. Skim and Filter Debris
Major storms can wash soil, leaves, and other debris into the pool. Use your skimmer to clear everything on the surface or a pool vacuum to reach debris along the floor. This can be made easier if you have an automatic pool cleaner. Empty the pump and pool skimmer baskets of any debris, then turn the pump to its filter setting to get the water circulating and remove suspended debris.
3. Test and Treat Water
Now you can test the water’s pH, total alkalinity, hardness, and chlorine levels. This will help you determine if you need to add chemicals to rebalance the pool water. “Shocking” the pool with a one-time chlorine treatment may also be needed to help with the contaminants that may have been swept in during a rainstorm.
If you need help caring for your swimming pool or hot tub, check out B & H Pool & Patio Shop in High Point, NC. Serving the Triad area for over 50 years, this family-owned business can help with everything from installing a new pool to ongoing maintenance. To learn more, visit them online or call (336) 841-3222.