The Lutheran Church is a significant branch of Protestant Christianity. It’s based on the philosophy and teachings of Martin Luther, a German friar, theologian, and reformer who lived in the late 15th and early 16th Centuries. Luther taught that the word of God, or the Bible, is the answer to all questions of faith.
History of the Lutheran Church
What Started Luther’s Reformation?
Luther advocated for reforms since he, and many other Christians, didn’t agree with certain policies and behaviors of the Roman Catholic Church. In particular, Luther took issue with the Pope’s use of indulgences, or church documents people could buy to supposedly allow them to skip purgatory and go directly to heaven when they died. The Pope used indulgence money to build St. Peter’s Basilica. Luther’s efforts to reform the Catholic Church resulted in the Protestant Reformation.
How Did His Theology Spread?
In 1517, Luther published the Ninety-Five Theses, the first of his writings to spread through the German-speaking world and beyond. In 1522, he also translated the New Testament to German, making it accessible to the German-speaking masses for the first time. By 1525, Luther had conducted his first worship service and ordained the first minister in his new church, which he called Evangelical, preferring not to name it after himself. By 1536 and 1544, respectively, Norway and Sweden had become majority Lutheran countries before Luther died in 1546. After his death, the Roman Catholic Church unsuccessfully attempted to snuff out Protestantism, including Lutheranism, for decades.
What Does the Lutheran Church Look Like Today?
Similar to most Protestant branches, Lutheranism isn’t governed by a single group or individual, like the Pope and the Vatican. Instead, it consists of a network of autonomous churches, including the Church of Sweden and Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mecklenburg, Germany. There are about 140 churches worldwide, in addition to missionary groups and outposts.
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Honolulu, HI, has been a vital part of the Waikiki community for years, providing a safe and supportive Christian center of worship and fellowship. This local Lutheran Church welcomes people of all walks of life and ages from across the island and around the world. They also offer private prayer, Sunday worship services, and weekly Bible studies. Call (808) 922-6011 or visit their website to learn more about upcoming sermons.
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