
Since car accidents can be stressful and overwhelming, many drivers aren’t sure what to do after a crash. Fortunately, most carriers make filing a car insurance claim and getting the compensation you need fairly straightforward. Below are a few steps to filing a claim with your insurer.

How to File a Car Insurance Claim

1. Call the Police

In North Carolina, drivers are required to call the police after an accident that results in any injury or serious property damage. Having the police conduct an independent investigation and produce a report can also prove liability for the accident. This can expedite the insurer’s own investigation so they can process your claim more quickly.

2. Collect Evidence

The police will write up their own report, but any evidence you can submit to the insurance company will help speed up the process. Take pictures of the damage to both vehicles, and get shots that show their relative position to each other.

car insurance

You’ll also need the other driver’s name, address, and car insurance policy number. This information will probably be on the police report, but it’s a good idea to snap pictures of their documents just in case.

3. Contact Your Insurer

You might feel rattled after an accident, but don’t put off informing your insurance company. The sooner you call, the sooner they can begin processing your claim. In fact, many insurers require you to report an accident within a specified window. If you wait too long, your claim might be denied.

Unless you’re seriously injured, you may want to call your insurance agent from the scene of the accident. They’ll be able to walk you through the process and tell you what documents and information you’ll need to collect.


Since 1998, Larry S. Helms & Associates Insurance Services has provided personal service and affordable coverage to drivers throughout Union, Mecklenburg, and Stanly counties. They take the time to get to know their clients, and will always treat you like family. Visit their website for more on their personal coverage options, or call (704) 893-2793 to request your free car insurance quote today.
