While roofs are constructed to stand up against different weather conditions, over time, the sun’s UV radiation can cause premature damage. The good news is there are helpful solutions to protect a home or commercial building’s roof from the exposure. Roof repair specialist Seaford Roofing in Kannapolis and Concord, NC, provides a quick guide on how UV radiation has an impact on roofs.
What Does UV Radiation Do to Roofs?
Thermal Shock
The sun naturally emits UV radiation, which are invisible rays of ultraviolet energy. When the radiation bears down on roofs, the heat can trigger thermal shock. This is when heat causes the roof to expand and then contracts as it cools down. As thermal shock continues over the years, it can weaken a roof’s structure.
Shingle Cracks
Cracks in shingles are another outcome of UV radiation exposure. The ray’s hydrocarbons and oxygen penetrate into the shingles, which can alter their shapes. Constant radiation exposure may also wear down the protective coatings on shingles. Roof repair specialists say this leads to dryness and, ultimately, cracks.
Unhinged Gutters
Over time, UV radiation can also damage gutters and downspouts. The daily exposure may cause both structures to separate from a roof. Roof repair specialists attribute the disconnect to the sun’s rays weakening loose or damaged screws and latches.
While these conditions sound dangerous, there are ways to prevent UV radiation damage. From annual inspections to shingle repairs and replacements, Seaford Roofing provides a wide range of services to keep your home or business protected. The area’s premier roof repair specialist has extensive installation and repair services on a variety of roof types. To learn more about UV radiation protection and request a free estimate on services, call (704) 938-4542. Ask about the company’s guarantee policy and assistance with insurance claim processing. The fully-insured A+ Better Business Bureau-ranked firm has been in business since 1969.