
Most people think that active lifestyles cause the most strain on the body. In fact, sedentary lifestyles with lots of inactivity, such as sitting for many hours a day, are associated with back pain and other issues. Fortunately, there are ways you can avoid these issues with pain and enjoy optimum mobility. Here are a few key points to keep in mind. 

How Sitting All Day Can Impact Your Body

Sitting for an extended period of time can put massive amounts of strain on your back. Your muscles, spinal discs, and ligaments may all feel the stress of prolonged sitting, especially when it's a common occurrence. You may also feel pain in other areas of the body, including the neck, if you frequently slouch at your desk over your computer. Neck pain can also increase headache frequency, which will leave you feeling tired and run down after work. 

back pain

There is also evidence that sitting for many hours each day can cause other health effects. As explained by the Mayo Clinic, sedentary lifestyles are associated with increased blood pressure, a greater risk of obesity, an uptick in bad cholesterol levels, and many other health conditions.

What You Can Do to Avoid Issues

If you're already experiencing back pain, a chiropractor may be able to help. Chiropractic care utilizes gentle pressure, which is applied to certain parts of the body to bring the spine back into alignment. Additionally, a chiropractor can help you develop an exercise routine to counteract the long periods you spend sitting at work. 

In this regard, taking breaks throughout the day can also have a positive impact on your back. Try to stand and stretch at least once per hour, and go for a brief walk once every two hours or so. You can also set up your workstation for maximum benefit by using a comfortable chair with lower back and neck support, as well as positioning your computer equipment so it's easily accessible. 


Since 1995, the staff at Back to Health Chiropractic has helped patients in Florence, KY, deal with back pain and other issues. This chiropractic care team combines proven techniques and the latest equipment to provide relief. They can also address pain and dysfunction in different areas of the body, including the neck, knees, and shoulders. Visit the website for the complete list of services or call (859) 746-2222 to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor today. 
