Because of the area’s sensitivity, there can be many sources of lower back pain. Spinal stenosis is one of the most common causes. Whether you’re trying to find a name for your symptoms or a chiropractor has already suggested treatments, it’s helpful to understand this condition so you can overcome and prevent it in the future.
What Is Spinal Stenosis?
Your spine has a small internal canal that houses the spinal cord and its nerve roots. Conditions like osteoarthritis, spondyloarthritis, spinal tumors, bulging or dehydrated discs, and thickened or inflamed ligaments can all force the canal to shrink or pinch, squeezing the nerves. The resulting tension gradually spreads throughout the spine and any connected nerves.
What Are the Symptoms?
Spinal stenosis can lead to severe and persistent lower back pain characterized by numbness, tingling, cramping, poor coordination, or general weakness. Significant leg and neck pain are common, as well. It may progress to the point that walking becomes difficult or even impossible, due to paralysis. The bowels and bladder may also malfunction.
Although this condition can happen to anyone, it’s especially common for women and anyone who is at least 50 years old and has previously suffered a back injury. Some people are also more genetically prone to this condition, having been born with naturally small spinal canals.
How Is It Treated & Prevented?
Cortisone injections are available, and pain relievers like ibuprofen, naproxen, and acetaminophen may relieve some symptoms. However, these medications work best when combined with physical therapy programs. A chiropractor or physical therapist will assign you exercises designed to strengthen the muscles in your back, legs, and arms, to help you regain coordination. Therapy can also help improve your ability to walk with minimal lower back pain. In particularly serious cases, however, surgery may be necessary.
There is no cure for spinal stenosis. However, you’re more likely to prevent it from happening by taking good care of your spine. Regular exercise, spinal stretches, healthy dietary habits, good posture, and routine visits to a chiropractor can all keep your spine strong and healthy.
If you suspect that spinal stenosis is the cause of your lower back pain, turn to the caring team at Back to Health Chiropractic for treatment. They’re located in Florence, KY, and have spent 25 years building a reputation for unparalleled dedication to health and comfort. Their office is designed to help diagnose and address any type of pain, so you can improve your quality of life and feel your best every day. They treat a multitude of issues, including carpal tunnel, shoulder and knee pain, whiplash, herniated discs, and pregnancy pain. To check their availability, call (859) 746-2222 or message them online.