
When you have a septic system, the substances that go down the drains of your home can affect the system's performance, efficiency, and reliability. While these systems have no trouble breaking down approved materials like human waste and toilet paper, many traditional household cleaning products are too caustic and potentially damaging. Thankfully, many natural products will effectively clean your home while ensuring your system's smooth operation. Here are a few to try. 

What Can I Use to Safely Clean if I Have a Septic System?

1. Vinegar

Vinegar is nothing short of a miracle cleaner, and you likely already have it in your kitchen cupboard. It's 100 percent natural, free of toxic chemicals, and safe for your septic system. However, vinegar is potent and must be diluted, so it doesn't damage sensitive surfaces in your home. You can simply mix a ratio of one part white vinegar to one part water in a spray bottle, and you're ready to clean. For areas of particularly tough dirt or grime, sprinkle some baking soda over the stain first, then spray on the vinegar solution. It will react by bubbling and fizzing, loosening the stain. Baking soda is also perfectly safe for septic systems.

2. Epsom Salt

septic systems

Epsom salt can be used as a septic-safe toilet cleaner that eliminates grime and hard water stains. Combine one cup of Epsom salt, a half-cup of baking soda, and a quarter-cup of dish soap until a paste forms. Apply the paste to the inside of the toilet bowl and let it sit for three minutes. Lightly scrub in circular motions with a cotton cloth until the grime and stains are gone, then rinse with warm water. As an added benefit, Epsom salt will add magnesium to the soil of your septic drain field, encouraging healthy plant growth.

3. Products Labeled Septic-Safe

If you prefer store-bought cleaners, look for products labeled safe for septic systems. If the label says that the product meets the EPA's Safer Choice Standard or is biodegradable, it is likely fine for your septic unit. Products should be non-toxic, free of phosphates, and should not be chlorine-based.


Besides using natural and septic-safe cleaners, you can also keep your system in ideal condition with services from Queen's Septic Tank Service in Archdale, NC. They've served Guilford, Randolph, Davidson, and Forsyth counties since 1986. They offer septic tank installations, pumping, and repairs for residential and commercial customers. Visit the website for a complete list of services, or call (336) 870-1144 to request a quote.
