
With the help of pressurized fluid, hydraulic cylinders provide a significant amount of force with a unidirectional stroke. This offers plenty of benefits for large-scale applications, such as construction, manufacturing, and civil engineering. Yet, knowing when to use these actuators can be difficult. That’s why the experts from D & M Hydraulics Sales & Service offer their knowledge to all residents in the Honolulu, HI, area. Here, they highlight the main benefits of hydraulic cylinders.

5 Advantages of Hydraulic Cylinders

1. Speed

hydraulic cylindersWith the use of different methods—such as by fitting them with a large pump—hydraulic cylinders can be used at high speeds. Speed is independent of these mechanisms, so it is not affected by the weight of the load. On the other hand, electro-mechanical devices move slower under heavy weight.

2. Accuracy & Precision

Hydraulic cylinders are also far more accurate and precise, thanks to a combination of hydraulic oil and servo valves. This equipment can repeatedly hit targets within a small range.

3. Power

Despite their small size, hydraulic cylinders can produce a large amount of force. With such high efficiency, you won’t need to worry about obtaining support for a larger actuator, such as a pneumatic model.

4. Low Requirements

Hydraulic cylinders also conserve far more energy than their pneumatic and electro-mechanical counterparts. Little power is required to operate these mechanisms, conserving energy and helping businesses save money.

5. Resistance to Harsh Conditions

Lastly, hydraulic cylinders are incredibly reliable, even in the harshest weather conditions. When you need to generate plenty of force from little power, these parts should be your go-to choice.

Knowing the benefits of hydraulic cylinders will make a considerable difference in your business. That’s why the professionals at D & M Hydraulic Sales & Service strive to be the area’s premier provider of these mechanisms. If you have any questions about hydraulic cylinders, give them a call at (808) 671-2420. You can also find out more information on their website.
