How to Deliver an Effective Speech or Presentation
As a small business owner, it’s important to strengthen your public speaking skills. You might be asked to introduce the guest of honor at a community event, for example, and at some point, you’ll have to give a big presentation in front of employees or clients. Naturally, confidence is the key to engaging an audience, no matter the size. The tips below highlight how you can deliver an engaging speech or presentation.
3 Tips for Delivering a Speech or Presentation
1. Pay Attention to Body Language
When addressing a group of people, your body language will speak volumes, so make sure to stand up straight and start with a warm smile. It’s also wise to use your hands to make occasional gestures. This will help emphasize certain points while demonstrating confidence in the words you’re saying. Finally, try to make eye contact with as many people as possible. Whether you’re at a community event or a board meeting, you want to connect with everyone in the room.
2. Keep It Simple
Speeches don’t have to be long or impactful. In fact, if your sole purpose is to convey information, you should attempt to do so in the simplest way possible. Audiences appreciate brevity, so try to speak clearly in a short amount of time. This will ensure you keep their attention to the end.
3. Consider Your Message
Whether you were asked to speak at a small community event or massive college graduation, your message matters. Regardless of how charismatic and confident you come off, if the speech is dry, it won’t have an effect on your audience. Craft a meaningful speech during the writing process by starting with a thesis—ask yourself what you want the audience to walk away with—and then by fleshing it out using two or three examples. Read it over a couple of times to ensure that you conveyed your message clearly.
For more help delivering speeches and presentations, reach out to the Huntington Township Chamber of Commerce. With 500 chamber members, this networking organization hosts an array of educational opportunities for small business owners throughout Huntington, NY. To explore their upcoming community events, visit them online or call (631) 423-6100 to discuss membership options.