
Eating a nutritious diet improves many aspects of well-being, including your oral health. Dentists and other experts recommend limiting yourself to 9 teaspoons of added sugar per day, as more could increase the risk of health problems and tooth decay. Here are a few tips for reducing how much added sugar you eat and staying healthy.


Swap candy for fruit.

If you have a sweet tooth, munch on some fruit. Not only is the fiber content helpful for proper digestion, but it also helps keep teeth clean naturally.

Chewing apples, for example, naturally scrubs the teeth of plaque and stimulates saliva production, rinsing away bacterial acids that erode dental enamel. Saliva also helps rid the mouth of food particles when you can’t brush your teeth right away.

Skip processed snacks.

dentistAvoid prepackaged snacks like cookies and pastries, which contain high levels of added sugar and can lead to dental decay.

Stick with nutrient-rich products to improve tooth and overall health. For example, yogurt contains a lot of calcium, which strengthens enamel so your teeth are strong enough to avoid cavities and fractures.


Eat refined carbohydrates.

Refined carbohydrates break down into sugar, remaining in the mouth in the same way as sugar from sweets. Products that contain these carbs include white flour, white bread, white rice, and pasta.

Opt for whole-grain varieties when possible, including brown rice, oats, and barley. If you do eat versions with white flour, brush your teeth or drink water afterward to wash away the sugar.

Immediately trust “healthy” products.

Not all foods touted as healthy live up to those standards. Trail mix, granola, energy bars, and sports beverages often contain significant amounts of sugar.

To ensure you’re making the right decisions for your health, always read product labels before purchasing snacks. Choose options with high fiber or protein content, and ideally zero grams of added sugar.


For optimal oral health, you should also schedule biannual visits to the dentist for professional cleanings. Tkatch Dentistry in High Point, NC, offers general, cosmetic, and restorative services for people of all ages. Committed to patient education, they will provide all the facts you need to care for your smile. Visit this family dentist online to find out how they will help you, or call (336) 889-9916 to schedule an appointment.
