3 Professional Audio System Problems & Their Solutions
Professional audio issues are frustrating, especially when they occur during a live event. Prepare for these problems beforehand by taking the time to test and troubleshoot your audio equipment. Below are three common audio issues and their solutions.
Troubleshooting 3 Common Professional Audio Issues
1. Feedback
One of the most common and irritating issues affecting professional audio systems, feedback is a high-pitched ringing that occurs when sound from the speakers is picked back up by a microphone, re-amplified through the speakers, and picked up again in an endless loop. To solve the issue, start by lowering effects such as reverb and delay. Make sure the microphone the singer or speaker uses is positioned behind the venue’s main speakers. You can also use a gate, which allows the microphone to only pick up sound when it reaches a certain level, effectively silencing any background noise.
2. Lack of Control in Mix
If you feel like you can’t control the mix of voices and instruments from the mixing board, start by making sure each individual element is fed into its own microphone. While that stand-up bass or grand piano might seem loud enough to cut through on its own, you’ll have no control over its level in the overall mix. Make sure all the singers and musicians onstage can properly hear themselves, whether they’re using in-ear monitors or wedges, so they can control their volume relative to each other.
3. Buzzing or Overpowering Bass
Music should be an enjoyable experience for your listeners, not a painful one. An excessive amount of any frequency is undesirable. You can find out if the bass and sub-bass frequencies are too loud for your space by going across the EQ spectrum and cutting frequencies accordingly. However, mixing can only do so much. If the problem persists, you might need to alter the environment by adding acoustic foam or carpeting if the room is spacious. If you hear a buzzing noise that mixing and foam don’t seem to eliminate, you might have a blown speaker or subwoofer.
Whether you’re running a church worship service, a university concert venue, or a private club, turn to Claiborne Sharp Professional Audio for all your professional audio needs. Based in Shreveport, LA, these professionals have helped churches, businesses, and commercial venues find the right balance since 1989. In addition to professional audio, they also offer video recording and projecting equipment. To learn more about their offerings, visit their website. Call (318) 861-5953 to schedule an appointment.