
Many people unintentionally overwater their plants and trees. Whether the leaves are looking a little yellow or you just want to be sure they’re hydrated, it’s tempting to grab the hose or watering can. Unfortunately, all that watering may be doing more harm than good. Today, New London, North Carolina’s top tree service, H & H Tree Service, will explain how to ensure you’re giving your trees just what they need.

Overwatering your trees can lead to soil saturation, which can actually deprive the roots from accessing the oxygen they need to breathe. If this happens frequently enough, overwatering can cause your trees to suffocate and die. That’s why paying attention to how much water your trees get is so important. If you notice your trees’ leaves are yellow, especially near the lower branches, too much water, rather than a lack of it, may be to blame. Other signs include brittle leaves, black or dark-colored roots, or algae or fungus growth on top of the soil.

tree serviceIn general, trees need to be watered an average of once a week during their growing season; however, it’s generally a bit more complex than that. After all, you need to consider the amount of rainfall they’re receiving, as well as the temperature. So, how do you tell? One way to check is to assess the soil surrounding your trees. Poke your finger about one inch deep into the soil and assess the moisture level. If it’s wet, the tree doesn’t need more water for at least a few more days. If it’s moist, check the next day. If it’s totally dry, you can go ahead and water it. 

When you water a tree, slowly water starting at the circumference of the roots and work your way closer to the trunk. The exception is if it’s a freshly planted tree; in that case, watering close to the trunk is recommended. A good rule of thumb for the amount of water your tree needs is to give it five gallons for every inch of its trunk’s diameter. So, if your tree’s trunk is half an inch thick, give it just 2.5 gallons to avoid oversaturating the soil. 

To keep your trees healthy and optimally watered, enlist the expertise of New London’s favorite tree service. From tree trimming to pruning to brush removal, H & H Tree Service can do it all. To learn more about what this tree service can do for you, call them today at (704) 463-0353 or visit the website
