
Windows serve as a barrier against the elements, lowering the risk of leaks and preserving indoor comfort. They’re only made to last a certain number of years, which means replacements are necessary for continued protection. However, for those who are unfamiliar with the most common indicators, knowing when to secure an upgrade may prove difficult. Here’s a closer look to determine the need for service. 

How to Tell When You Need New Windows

1. Sticking

Windows should glide smoothly along their tracks. Those that require effort to open or close might be nearing the end of their life span. This could be due to worn materials or layers of dust that’s accumulated over the years. Swapping them out for newer products will alleviate the strain and lower the risk of injuring your back.

2. Increasing Costs

If you notice a slight increase in utility costs, check the heating and cooling system. Make the necessary adjustments and wait for the next bill to arrive. Those that continue to skyrocket may indicate that it’s time for a window replacement. 


Gaps tend to develop along the frame, with temperature changes causing the materials to expand and contract. As the frames continue to age, this might produce a draft and result in constant fluctuations. Installing newer products will restore the seal and help to preserve indoor comfort. 

3. Visible Damage

Inspect the appearance of the windows at the start of every season. Those that have visible damage, such as peeling paint or mold growth, could reveal that it’s time for an upgrade. 

This is usually the result of a draft drawing in the moisture and preventing the materials from drying out. While you could sand it down and apply a fresh coat of paint, it’s only a matter of time until the issue begins to resurface. 


Ensure your windows provide the proper protection by working with Butler County Lumber Company. This building supply company has been in business since 1912 and provides services to Greater Hamilton and Cincinnati, OH. From design to installation, these architects commit to quality customer service and offer a personal approach to each project. Call (513) 896-6660 to schedule an appointment, or visit their website for additional information on their expertise.
