
Snowmobiling is a popular recreational activity in Alaska, especially since the winter is long and there’s beautiful scenery. However, this activity comes with some risks, which is why snowmobile insurance is so important. Here’s what you need to know before purchasing a policy. 

An Overview of Snowmobile Insurance 

What does snowmobile insurance cover? 

A basic policy will cover you for property damage, collisions, and bodily injuries. There are other types of insurance for a snowmobile, such as year-round coverage if the vehicle gets damaged during the summer. Additionally, you can add coverage for accessories, such as the helmet, riding gear, dolly system, pulling tools, and skis. 

What can I do to get an affordable policy? 

insuranceSafe riders tend to get better premium rates, so keep your accident record clean. To do that, practice defensive driving, avoid frozen rivers or lakes, and check the weather before heading out. Another way to get better rates is to increase your deductible. This allows you to assume more of the risk, so insurance companies are willing to lower monthly premiums. 

What other factors can affect the price of snowmobile insurance? 

When giving you a policy quote, the provider will analyze a number of factors. For example, they’ll consider where you plan on riding, how you’ll use the snowmobile, the vehicle make and model, who will be utilizing the vehicle, and the age of the driver. 

Is a snowmobile policy required?  

While this type of insurance is required in some states, it’s not in Alaska. However, getting a policy has many benefits for drivers. You’ll avoid large financial burdens if the vehicle is damaged or you get injured and need to pay for medical costs. Additionally, you’ll protect other passengers when a friend or family member rides along with you. 


When you need snowmobile coverage, contact Dunlap Agency. Serving businesses and individuals across Alaska, they have nearly 35 years of experience working with clients. They’ll help you get low premiums and comprehensive coverage, protecting your family and vehicle. Call (907) 456-5202 to set up a consultation with an agent, or visit the website to learn more about their services. 
