
Reducing your electricity usage is desirable for a range of reasons, from saving on your monthly utility bill to reducing your carbon footprint. Fortunately, you can make big changes in your electrical use by making a few small changes around the house. Use the strategies below, and you may see the differences on your next electric bill.

Strategies to Reduce Electricity Usage

1. Switch to LED

electricityLight-emitting diode (LED) bulbs use up to 90% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs. While they may cost more upfront to purchase, they’ll pay for themselves with their energy usage and a longer life span—on average, around 50 times longer than an incandescent. Swap over all your lightbulbs to LED; it’s a simple weekend project that will create instant results.

2. Use Appliances Wisely

Appliances that generate heat, such as your laundry machines or your oven, will have a big effect on your home’s overall temperature. Wait to use these appliances until the coolest part of the day when temperatures are lower. You can also make simple changes in the way you use your appliances to lower energy usage. For example, turn off the dry cycle on your dishwasher to let them air dry, and wash your clothing with cold water rather than heating it first.

3.  Seal the Home

Small cracks in the home are a big problem for wasted energy. Much of your energy usage goes into conditioning the home’s air, and cracks let all that conditioned air out. Replace the seals around older windows and spackle the cracks on the outside of your home to lock in conditioned air.


When your electrical wiring is due for an inspection, upgrade, or repair, contact Piedmont Electric Repair Company. Their licensed and certified electrician team has served the Piedmont Triad area in North Carolina since 1936. These electricity experts will ensure your home is running safely and efficiently. See their full range of services online, and call (336) 889-0222 to schedule an appointment with an electrician.
