Talking with a septic installation contractor shouldn't feel like you're communicating in a foreign language. While the professionals in the industry use the language every day, the general homeowner does not. So a thorough septic installation contractor will provide education alongside any recommended repairs or replacement.
One critical component of your wastewater treatment system is the distribution box, commonly called the D-Box. It can be made of concrete or poly, is watertight, and is roughly the size of a recycling tote. In the simplest terms, the D-Box takes the overflow (or as much as can be handled) and sends it to the leach field.
The distribution box literally distributes the effluent (treated septic water) evenly to the leach lines. This helps to control the overburden of any one leach line within the system. Typically there is one D-Box in the system, but some more complex systems will have multiple. The D-Box is also the point of inspection to help in determining proper flow to the leach lines as well as root intrusion or other obstructions in the leach lines.
The D-Box generally remains intact throughout the life of the system, but it is common, especially if it is concrete, for the cover or entire box to become compromised due to age, movement, pressure, or sulfite gases. Homeowners should avoid driving heavy vehicles or equipment over the D-Box, as well as the system in general. Common lawn maintenance equipment will typically not damage the system below the ground.
If you suspect your D-Box is not performing the job it should, call the professionals at Zinks Septic Solutions at (315) 359-0733 to discuss wastewater treatment for your home or to schedule a septic maintenence evaluation today. You can also visit their website for more information.