
Varicose veins are enlarged veins that may appear swollen, twisted, or discolored along the skin's surface. While it may seem like more of a cosmetic concern, varicose veins can have health implications when they aren't treated properly by a vein doctor. Here is a guide to the different types of varicose veins. 

What Are the Different Types of Varicose Veins?

1. Moderate

A moderate case of varicose veins may look large and blue-ish purple beneath the skin. While some patients with a moderate case do not experience pain, a vein exam is strongly recommended. Varicose veins of any kind indicate that blood is not flowing as it should and is pooling in the veins instead of going to the heart. Seeing a vein doctor while the condition is still solely cosmetic allows for proper blood circulation to be restored and prevents further escalation. 

2. Severe 

vein doctor

For a severe case, veins may look more disfigured and be accompanied with more pain. Left untreated, severe varicose veins can lead to chronic venous disease which thickens the tissues and skin, causing swelling, ulcers and discoloration. It may require several treatment sessions to remedy this condition. 

3. Pregnancy-Related 

Women who are pregnant produce extra blood. This puts additional pressure on blood vessels, causing varicose veins in the legs, vulva, and pelvic area. Women who have had multiple pregnancies are susceptible to Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS), which causes moderate to severe varicose veins and can be more painful than in a traditional case. Treatment for pregnant women can be performed once the baby has been delivered. 


If you are concerned about varicose veins on your body, schedule an appointment with one of the skilled vein doctors at Advanced Varicose Vein Treatments of Manhattan. These top-rated phlebology experts are based in New York and provide a wide range of effective varicose and spider vein treatments. Using the latest diagnostics and treatments, resident physician Dr. Ronald Lev is able to decipher the appropriate course of action to ease your condition. Additionally, this clinic treats venous and diabetic foot ulcers as well as offers a variety of body-enhancing procedures, including cellulite reduction and body contouring. To learn more about their vein treatments, visit the website. To schedule an appointment, call (888) 356-VEIN (8346).
