
Cockroaches are always looking for food, water, and shelter. Schools provide all three when students accidentally spill snacks and drinks, restrooms have leaking pipes, cafeterias have food scraps, and the building provides plenty of crevices for hiding. Use these roach control tips to keep these pests away from your school grounds. 

How to Prevent Roach Infestations in Schools

1. Maintain the Plumbing

Ask the maintenance staff to look for signs of plumbing leaks regularly, such as water stains on walls, warped flooring, and high meter readings. If any leaks are found, schedule plumbing services immediately. Roaches can survive for long periods without food but not without water, so they're attracted to plumbing leaks and spaces with high humidity. Keep the moisture level in your school low in addition to addressing leaking pipes and fixtures. 

2. Clean the Cafeteria

roach control

Have a meeting with the cafeteria crew to review cleaning and sanitizing practices that keep cockroaches away. The staff should load the dishwasher daily instead of leaving dirty dishes overnight and wipe crumbs from food prep areas. All leftover food must be packed with tightly sealed lids and refrigerated if needed. Also, have the staff clean food debris out of appliances and sweep or vacuum the kitchen floor at the end of the day. 

3. Seal Pet Food Bags

Teachers who keep rodents, reptiles, birds, or amphibians in their classrooms must keep the pet food bags sealed. It's best to feed the animals at designated times only and refrain from leaving food in bowls. Ask custodians to take extra care around pet areas to clean any food debris the teachers or students might have missed. 

4. Remove Garbage Daily 

Have the custodial staff remove garbage with food debris every day. They can coordinate with cafeteria workers to create a trash removal schedule that suits everyone and prevents food waste from sitting overnight. All exterior trash bins must be sealed to avoid attracting roaches as well. 


Support your roach control efforts with services from Hilo Termite & Pest Control. The Big Island pest control company has over 40 years of experience specializing in cockroach and termite exterminations for both residential and commercial clients. Call the company at (808) 935-8301 to make an appointment, or visit them online for more information on their roach control services.
