
When a tooth is broken or seriously decayed, your dentist will do whatever it takes to repair it and restore your smile. But sometimes tooth extraction is necessary. The experienced team at Tohill Dentistry in Somerset, KY, knows nobody likes to have a tooth removed, but having information about the process can put your fears to rest.

In addition to decay and serious damage, your dentist might recommend a tooth extraction if you have too many teeth, a tooth that is blocking a new one from growing in, or a tooth infection due to cancer drugs or treatment. Wisdom teeth, the third molars that typically grow in during a person's late teens or early 20s, often are removed before they have a chance to grow in.

Somerset-KY-tooth-extractionBefore a tooth extraction, your dentist will check the relationship of your teeth to each other, your sinuses, and your nerves to determine the safest and least intrusive method of removal. Once they have examined you carefully, they will anesthetize the extraction site and use one of these procedures:

  • Simple Extraction: This method is used on teeth that are visible and accessible. A simple tooth extraction is performed with a tool called an elevator, which loosens the tooth until it can be removed with forceps.
  • Surgical Extraction: If the tooth has not erupted through the gums or has suffered serious damage, it may need to be extracted surgically through a small cut in the gumline.

Your dentist then will clean the tooth socket and close it with stitches, if necessary. Gauze will be applied to the surgical site to control bleeding.

Tohill Dentistry's caring, compassionate staff knows how intimidating tooth extractions can be, so they create a relaxing environment and put the comfort of their patients first. Visit their website to see a full list of their dental care services, including cosmetic dentistry. Call (606) 679-4450 to schedule an appointment.
