
To be with friends and family during the holiday season, it’s often necessary to travel. While these gatherings are wonderful, travel can leave homes empty and vulnerable if you don’t have a home security system. In order to protect both your valuables and your peace of mind, it’s wise to work with a security provider such as TruVista to install one. Offering TV, phone, and internet service to residents of Chester, SC, and the surrounding areas, these professionals are also leaders in providing home security systems. 

The holiday season can be an especially popular time for thieves to strike, due to the common household vacancies during this time. Having a state-of-the-art home security system to deter burglars is not only smart when you’re out of town, but also helps protect your home’s inhabitants when you’re present. With TruVista’s 24-hour monitoring service, the breach of your property by intruders immediately triggers a loud siren and notifies the police. Not only will the thieves clearly understand that they’ve been detected, but the local police will also be notified instantly. In the circumstance of a break-in, every minute counts. 

home security systemsTruVista’s home security systems come in two forms: wireless and wired. For newly constructed homes, wired systems are recommended. Conversely, wireless systems are better suited for homes that have been populated for a while. An added option that many customers value from TruVista is known as TruControl, which provides a direct video link to the interior of your home. With that kind of power, you can always check to make sure everything is as it should be. 

To ensure your home is safe while you’re enjoying your holiday, have TruVista install a home security system today. You can learn more about the details of installation by calling a courteous staff member at (803) 385-2191. To see more details about the products, check out the company’s website
