Discover the Benefits of a DVR From Your Local Cable Company
By TruVista
These days, there’s no reason you should ever have to miss your favorite TV shows or movies. With a DVR as part of your digital cable TV package from TruVista—the leading cable company throughout Georgia and South Carolina—you can watch exactly what you want whenever you have the time to watch it.
“DVR” stands for “digital video recorder.” A DVR is like a modern-day video cassette recorder—only, without the tangle-prone tapes. With just a few clicks of your remote, all your favorite shows and movies will be recorded, stored, and ready to watch. You can even watch a live program while recording another show 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Also, your TV doesn’t have to be on for a show to record!
With a DVR, you don’t have to worry about remembering to record a show you like each time an episode airs. You can program it to record the entire series—both standard- and high-definition programs—weeks ahead of time.
However, DVR does more than just recording. It makes watching live TV feel like nothing you’ve experienced before. You can pause a live program, pick up where you left off, rewind, or fast forward to the current point in the show—even if you don’t have that episode set to record. DVRs also allow you to bypass TV ads you don’t want to watch.
Now, it’s easier than ever to manage the programs you record. TruVista’s user-friendly navigation tabs allow you to access recorded programs, find what’s scheduled to record, and add or delete recordings.
Call TruVista today at (800) 768-1212 to learn more about this trusted cable company’s high-definition TV service, cable Internet service, and phone service. Also, ask about DVR options! Visit the cable company online to check out their DVR Quick Tips Guide.