
Although many people know bed bugs often travel on clothing and luggage, there are other vehicles the insects could use to gain entry to your home. Once inside, the pests lay eggs, leading to an infestation only bed bug control specialists can remedy. So you are better equipped to take precautions, here are a few lesser-known ways the creatures get from place to place.

3 Surprising Ways Bed Bugs Make the Journey to Your Home

1. Inside Electronic Devices

bed-bug-controlBecause bed bugs’ bodies are relatively flat, they can get into all sorts of tight spaces. This means they can crawl into the ports and speaker openings of phones, radios, and other electronic devices—only emerging at night to bite. That’s why you should air on the side of caution when purchasing second-hand electronics.

2. In the Binding of Books

In many cases, the insects are also small enough to crawl between pages of hardcover books, hiding in the binding. The bugs spread when books are donated to charities and checked out of libraries. To avoid the need for bed bug control, shake out the pages before you bring books home or stick to reading titles on your tablet.

3. Inside Packages

If you tend to purchase products online, don’t open the boxes and puffy envelopes inside your house. That’s because you don’t know if warehouse facilities or private sellers have bed bug problems. If so, the critters could crawl inside the packaging for the journey to a new home.


If you need bed bug control services to combat an infestation, contact the professionals at Cox Termite & Pest Control in Savannah, GA. Over three generations, the exterminators at this family-owned-and-operated business have been providing pest management solutions to improve clients’ safety and comfort since 1969. To schedule a bed bug control appointment in the Chatham County area, call (912) 236-2503. You’ll find special offers on the company’s website and client feedback on the Facebook page.
