
With hundreds of moving parts and complex controls, the transmission is probably the most difficult-to-repair part of your vehicle. Problems with this vital system can be extremely costly to fix, but with regular transmission maintenance and early detection, many issues can be repaired before they become total disasters.

Mr. Transmission, Cincinnati's leading transmission service and repair professionals, recommends you bring your car in right away if you notice any of these signs of impending transmission failure:

  • Cincinnati-transmission-maintenanceLeaking Fluid: Transmission fluid, which should be bright red and slightly sweet-smelling, isn't typically consumed by your car, so any drop in fluid levels is probably the result of a leak. A transmission needs a lot of lubrication, so getting a leak fixed early can prevent a very expensive repair later on.
  • A Burning Odor: A transmission that's running too hot can burn the fluid, causing particulates to build up and raise the temperature even higher. If you can smell the fluid burning in your transmission, you'll need to have it inspected by a transmission maintenance professional as soon as possible.
  • Unusual Sounds: When an automatic transmission is malfunctioning, you may notice a stutter or shimmy as the engine shifts into gear, punctuated by a clunking sound. Manual transmissions often make grinding noises when the clutch is wearing out. These sounds often indicate a major problem is on the way, so have the issue addressed as soon as possible.

Whether you need regular transmission maintenance or a complete rebuild, the experts at Mr. Transmission have the experience and equipment to get you back on the road as quickly as possible. Call (513) 769-3111 to make an appointment, or just bring your car by the shop. Visit their website for a full list of their services and promotions
