
If you have the opportunity to switch your home or business to fiber broadband, you should jump at the chance. Fiber optics are a far superior technology to copper cables, offering a wide range of benefits. Here are the top five ways fiber broadband will improve your high-speed internet access.

5 Strengths of Fiber Broadband

1. Speed

Even the fastest copper cables can’t compete with fiber broadband. Depending on your area and provider, your speed could range from 5 Mbps to 100 Gbps. Even with high demand, you shouldn’t notice any delays.

2. Bandwidth

This issue particularly affects businesses relying on streaming large amounts of data, but it may also affect you at home, such as when you’re streaming video. A higher bandwidth is more readily available through a fiber connection, and you’re less likely to run into your cap, allowing you to continue transferring high-quality data.

3. Security

fiber broadbandWith copper cables, it’s possible to physically tap into the line, potentially allowing hackers access to sensitive information. This is impossible to do with a fiber optic cable without completely breaking the connection—a highly noticeable event.

4. Reliability

Due to the greater durability of the cables, fiber broadband is less likely to experience outages than copper connections. It is also resistant to electromagnetic interference, which can degrade a copper cable’s signal.

5. Signal Strength

If you’re accessing the internet in a large building, you may notice the signal degrading the farther you get from the switch. Fiber cables are much less susceptible to this type of degradation, allowing the signal to travel longer distances without noticeable problems.


RTC Communications offers high-speed broadband access to clients throughout Fulton County, IN. Their work on improving fiber broadband access is the latest in a history of forward-thinking choices which has lasted 120 years. To switch to fiber broadband, contact them today at (574) 223-2191 or visit them online.
