
From pop-ups to updates, you encounter plenty of warnings and suggestions for updating your computer or laptop daily. Instead of ignoring them, it's time to give your computer those much-needed upgrades to keep it running smoothly. Whether it's your personal laptop or one of your business laptops, keeping your software updated is important for you, your co-workers, and your computer itself. 

Why Is It Important to Update Your Software?


New software is constantly being produced because hackers are constantly finding new ways to hack. In order to ensure your computer is running as safely as possible, software engineers deliver new and improved ways to fix bugs and gaps in security regularly. 

Keeping your computer up to date protects your data from being stolen and keeps your computer from crashing due to out-of-date software. The updated software also protects against viruses that you could unknowingly pass to your co-workers via email on your business laptops––which means by updating your software, you are saving yourself and everyone else a lot of time in the long run. 

How Can You Search for Software Updates?

It's easy to check for software updates on your PC. Click on the start menu and go to "Update & Security" under settings. Click on "Check for updates" and you will easily be able to find the most recent update and discover what iteration of software your computer is currently using. If you are using a Mac, go to System Preferences and click "Software Update." Plug your computer in and click on "Update Now" to update your computer with the newest software available. 

If you are using business computers, make sure you check with your IT staff before you update your computer. There may be certain protocols to follow or extra security measures to use on business computers or laptops since your data belongs to your company and is not your personal property.  


If you are looking for a computer repair service in the Rochester, NY area, choose Microworx. With over twenty years of experience, these IT professionals offer computer upgrades and repairs for businesses and residential computer use. Call them today to schedule an appointment or visit them online to learn more about their inventory of computer parts and accessories. 
