
Whether you’re on the road or simply going about your daily business, the easiest place to find a snack for your kids is usually a roadside convenience store. But while these businesses are easy on the wallet, it’s not always a simple matter to find something healthy for a growing body among the sweets and fats. Fortunately, it’s not all bad news, and there’s a handful of tasty, beneficial treats that are sure to satisfy. Have a look at the list below to learn more.

Which Convenience Store Snacks Are Healthy?

1. Fresh Fruit

While they won’t have the same selection as your local farmer’s market, many gas stations offer fresh fruit, such as apples, bananas, and oranges. With only small amounts of natural sugars and plenty of nutrients, like vitamin C and potassium, fruit is often the healthiest choice at a convenience store. If fresh fruit isn’t available, look for fruit cups made with 100% juice rather than syrup.

2. Trail Mix

convenience store

Trail mixes made up of nuts, dried fruit, and seeds that are tasty and loaded with fiber, protein, and beneficial, non-saturated fats. This makes them an efficient energy source as well as a filling snack. Take care to follow the recommended portion sizes since the calorie count can mount rapidly if overindulged and avoid varieties that include candy or chocolate pieces.

3. Yogurt

Many gas stations offer yogurt in their refrigerated sections, making it one of the healthiest food products available on the go. Non-fat Greek yogurt is tasty, filling, and full of calcium, protein, and probiotics, beneficial bacteria that can aid in digestion and strengthen the immune system. Choose varieties that are low in sugar and look out for those with added fruit for extra healthy flavor.

When you’re on the go and your kids need a healthy boost, stop by Tri-Mart BP in Tripoli, WI. Since 1992, this friendly, family-owned establishment has been a local favorite. They offer a full selection of healthy, fresh snacks for travelers of all ages, as well as beverages, fuels, and sundries. Call (715) 564-2440 to speak with a helpful staff member or visit their website to learn more about their services.
