Babies often catch colds and other illnesses as their immune systems develop, so parents must be alert for warning signs of sickness. Your baby's appetite and cries will change every day, but notable alterations in behavior can indicate they're sick. Generally speaking, contact your pediatrician if you are concerned about your infant's behavior in any of the following areas.
How to Identify Illness in Infants
1. Irritability
If your baby is continuously fretful, cries for long periods, or makes unusual sounds when crying, they could be sick. Before contacting a pediatrician, examine them for physical problems, such as clothing that's pinching or threads wound around toes and fingers. These can be nonmedical causes of unusual crying.
2. Fever
You can check your baby's temperature with a rectal thermometer. If they're under 3 months old and the temperature is is 100.4 degrees or higher, a pediatrician should be involved immediately.
Fever in children can sometimes cause convulsions, which are usually harmless but can be highly upsetting to witness. Call emergency services if your child seems to get worse suddenly.
3. Hard, Dry Stool
This can indicate your baby needs more fluids or is losing fluids due to another factor, like fever or heat. Constipation may also be caused by giving your child foods like cereal or cow's milk before their digestive system can handle it. A difference in the consistency of stools in conjunction with other symptoms may be a sign of illness.
4. Poor Appetite
Latching problems or refusal to eat can indicate a problem. It's normal for babies to lose about 10% of their birth weight in the days following birth, but that weight should be gained again in the following weeks. The pediatrician may want to see your baby a week after birth to make sure they are gaining weight.
5. Unusual Urine
Babies usually wet at least four diapers a day. Urinary tract issues might be a problem if your baby shows any signs of distress while urinating. A pinkish stain in your baby's diaper is a normal sign of concentrated urine, but if it persists, bring it up to your pediatrician. If there is blood in the urine, call a doctor right away.
If you're looking for a pediatrician, trust the compassionate team at Pediatrics of Dalton to keep your little one healthy. They provide an array of children's health services, including vaccinations and regular checkups. Visit their website to find out more about their services, and call (706) 278-5373 to make an appointment today.