4 Common Injuries Runners Experience
Running is a great way to stay in shape, but it can also be hard on your body if you're not careful. If you're a runner, you know that injuries are a natural risk that comes with the activity. Cutting back on your mileage, icing the area for 20 minutes, or taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication can help with minor aches and pains, but some conditions can be more serious. If you suspect you're experiencing any of the following, you should see an orthopedic doctor for treatment.
What Injuries Are Common for Runners?
1. Runner’s Knee
Runner’s knee is a catch-all term used to describe pain around the kneecap. It's particularly common among runners who are just starting out. A dull ache or pain around the kneecap, which gets worse with activity, is experienced in most cases.
This injury can be caused by poor posture, bad foot support, or overactivity when running. It's generally treated with physical therapy to strengthen the muscles attached to the patella or a surgical procedure, such as cartilage replacement.
2. Shin Splints
Shin splints are a type of pain that occurs along the shinbone, or tibia. The most frequent symptom is a dull ache or pain along the tibia as well as tenderness to the touch, swelling, and stiffness.
Shin splints are caused by repeated stress on the shinbone, tendons, and ligaments, and in many cases, self-care at home is the recommended treatment. This can include icing the affected area and selecting the right type of footwear.
3. Achilles Tendinitis
Achilles tendonitis is an inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which is the large tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. You might experience a dull ache or pain along the back of the leg, which will flare up during or after running. Other symptoms may include tenderness to the touch, swelling, and stiffness.
This condition is usually caused by repetitive stress or strain. Physical therapy can often strengthen the supporting muscles sufficiently, but tendon repair surgery will be necessary in severe cases.
4. IT Band Syndrome
IT band syndrome is a type of pain that occurs along the IT (iliotibial) band, which is a large tendon that runs down the side of the leg. Runners with this injury will feel the sides of their legs ache, especially after running. Similar to tendonitis, other symptoms might include swelling, stiffness, and tenderness.
This is another injury caused by the repeated stress of running regularly. Stretching, massage therapy, and self-care are among the several options available for this condition. In rare cases, orthopedic surgery might be recommended to lengthen the IT band.
If you have chronic pain or have been injured while running, reach out to the professionals at Associates in Orthopedics & Sports Medicine of Dalton, GA. These experts in orthopedic care provide high-quality treatments using today's most state-of-the-art technologies to help restore your comfort and mobility. Call (706) 226-5533 to schedule a sports medicine appointment or visit them online to learn more about their services.
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