
An active lifestyle is crucial for good physical and mental health. That's why most people are eager to return to their exercise routines quickly after orthopedic surgery. Despite your enthusiasm, you must still navigate the recovery period carefully to keep yourself healthy and well. Here are a few steps you can take to steadily get back to your routine without experiencing a new injury. 

3 Tips for Renewing Your Exercise Regimen After Surgery

1. Set Goals Realistically

If you were very active before your surgery, you're probably eager to get back into your routine. However, you must be realistic when setting fitness goals. It may take weeks or even months to fully heal from the surgery, during which time you will not be able to do the same kinds of activities as you used to. As a result, set small fitness goals that won't negatively impact the recovery process, such as taking a brief walk each day. As the recovery continues, you'll be able to add new activities to your regimen. 

2. Use Lightweight Exercises


In addition to taking it slowly, you should alter your routine until you've built up your strength again. Lightweight exercise improves flexibility and mobility, but it does not put stress on your body like weight lifting and resistance training. For example, calf raises help stretch your legs and improve your balance without being too strenuous. Conversely, side lateral raises are ideal for stretching out your shoulders without lifting your arms over your head, which may be challenging after surgery. 

3. Take It Slow at First

While you may be eager to get back to it immediately, going too hard and too quickly can also delay healing. Accordingly, you must take it slow to allow healing to progress and avoid another injury. In addition to following the instructions provided by your orthopedic surgeon, stay in tune with your body and how it's feeling. If the surgical site is still a bit sore, focus on other areas of the body for the time being. 


When it comes to orthopedic care in Dalton, GA, Associates In Orthopedics & Sports Medicine PC goes above and beyond when treating patients. This team uses their state-of-the-art technology to diagnose and treat injuries and chronic conditions, including fractures, arthritis, and spinal cord damage. They also provide patients with essential resources for a fast and efficient recovery process. Visit the website to learn more about their services, or call (706) 226-5533 to schedule an appointment today. 
