
While getting tested for STDs may not be a preferred topic during your annual visit with your gynecologist, it is a necessary one. Unfortunately, many don’t realize how crucial it is to maintaining their health. Advanced OB-GYN Services has been providing caring and quality gynecology and health care to their Saint Peters and Bridgeton, MO, patients for over 30 years. Below, they outline why getting tested should be an important part of your overall health care plan. 

What an STD Test Can Do for Your Health

While it’s often a topic most people put in the backs of their minds, your sexual health, as well as the results of STD tests, can directly impact your overall well-being. While some STDs are easily remedied, others require treatment. If left unchecked, these diseases can lead to other, much more serious conditions. For example, if neglected, Chlamydia can cause greater problems, like pelvic inflammatory disease, and miscarriage.

gynecologistBy understanding whether you tested positive for an STD, you can take charge of the situation and treat it before it does any more damage to your health. You can also protect others from contracting any STDs from you. Often, these diseases lead to much more threatening situations, such as cancers and inflammation, and they can negatively impact your fertility. 

How a Gynecological Exam Can Help You 

Getting an annual exam with your gynecologist will give you the opportunity to test for STDs, as well as educate yourself on sexual health. A qualified gynecology and obstetrics team can also catch a problem early on, treat any related issues you might have, and help you maintain your overall health. 

If you’re concerned about getting tested for STDs, know that you’re not alone. However, it’s important to your future and health to see your gynecologist and get these exams. The caring and supportive staff at Advanced OB-GYN Services offers a range of quality, cutting-edge services and procedures, and they’ll do everything in their power to put you at ease. Call them today at (636) 928-1800 for the St. Peters office, or (314) 291-2140 for the one in St. Louis, and schedule an appointment with a gynecologist. Visit their website for more information about how they can help. 
