4 Tips to Stay Positive While Trying for Pregnancy
When you and your partner are ready to start a family, the wait to conceive can keep you on edge. After a few negative pregnancy tests, you might start to feel frustrated or even disillusioned. With the right mindset, strategies, and pregnancy help from an OB-GYN, you can put your body and mind in the best state for conception. Here’s how to stay positive on the path to pregnancy.
How to Remain Positive When Trying to Conceive
1. Spend Time on Your Relationship
Unsuccessful attempts can leave you and your partner frustrated. When you’re both feeling upset and disappointed, it can be difficult to get in the mood to try again. Having a baby shouldn’t just be a scheduled task—try to bring back the excitement and fun of spending time together. Go on dates, be more spontaneous, and plan getaways. Keeping your relationship strong will remind you both that you’re in this together.
2. Look for Ways to Decompress
Stress can lower the odds of conception. This may be because the body recognizes that periods of stress are not ideal for pregnancy. Instead of worrying about your next pregnancy test, find strategies to relax. Try mindfulness or yoga, treat yourself to a bubble bath and a night of self-care, or pick up a calming new hobby.
3. Make Use of Resources
There are a number of fertility tracking apps and guides to help you increase the chances of pregnancy. These apps track ovulation cycles, making it easier to narrow down the conception window.
Additionally, be sure to find a reliable obstetrician for a pre-pregnancy evaluation. During this appointment, the physician will evaluate your health history, family history, and medications to address potential problems and make adjustments that will benefit your conception.
4. Lean on Your Support
Whether you turn to family members, friends, or online forums, look for people who share a similar experience. For some, a support group geared toward couples trying to conceive can be the best option. The people in these groups know exactly what you’re going through and can offer valuable advice and encouragement.
If you and your partner are having trouble conceiving, turn to the compassionate team at Advanced OB-GYN Services for pregnancy help. Serving residents in St. Peters and Bridgeton, MO, Dr. Joseph Hazan and his practice are dedicated to providing patients with exceptional pregnancy planning services and prenatal care. Visit their website for more information about pregnancy help and resources. To schedule an appointment, call (636) 928-1800 for the St. Peters office or (314) 291-2140 for Bridgeton.
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