
Do you want to adopt but don't have a clue how you're going to pay for it?  In this terrible economy, you may want to adopt a child, or children, but don't think you can afford it, think again!

The federal government has money set aside to pay for your adoption.  This money is not just for foster parents, but also for people who want to adopt without going through DFCS.  

Whether you are single or married, whether you're related to the child or not, if you want to adopt a child the government pays for your adoption if:

  1. You have had custody of the child for two years or longer
  2. You are adopting a sibling group
  3. You are adopting a special needs child

If you fit into one or more of these categories, the federal government, administered through DFCS, will pay for your adoption.

We at Hildebrand Law Office have been getting families free adoptions for over 20 years. We know how and where to apply for adoption assistance so that we can get your adoption completed with no cost to you. Visit our website to learn more about our full scope of adoption services, or call (706) 638-6009 to schedule a free consultation, or just to ask questions!
