Certain spine conditions can cause pain and discomfort, as well as limit function and range of motion. This is true of scoliosis, the effects of which can range from mild to severe depending on the situation. Understanding this condition is key to finding the right treatment or pain management option, including chiropractic care.
What Is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a deformity of the spine that causes it to abnormally curve. Under normal circumstances, the spine curves only at the shoulders and at the lower back. With scoliosis, the spine can take on an S or C shape.
The condition is most often diagnosed in early childhood. It causes symptoms like an uneven waist and shoulders, hip unevenness, and back pain. When curvatures are mild, symptoms are also mild. More serious cases may result in a twisting or rotating spine, as well as breathing problems due to a lack of space in the chest.
Why Does It Occur?
Most cases are idiopathic, meaning there is no apparent cause. The condition does run in families, but it often occurs without a previous family history. In some cases, it's caused by a birth defect, like spina bifida, or a medical condition, such as muscular dystrophy. It can also result from an injury to the spine.
How Is It Treated?
Finding a suitable treatment depends on factors like age and the severity of the curvature. When the effects are minor, monitoring is recommended to track the curvature as a child grows. Bracing is often used for children to prevent curves in the spine from becoming more pronounced. However, bracing can only be used while a person is still growing.
When curvature is disrupting daily function, surgery might be recommended to correct it. This involves a spinal fusion procedure to straighten the spine using rods and screws, which are fused to the spine using bone grafts.
There are also pain management methods used to reduce discomfort. Many people experience a decrease in pain and an increase in flexibility when visiting a chiropractor for scoliosis. In fact, one study showed that chiropractic care reduced the pain levels in all study participants.
When looking for a way to relieve back pain related to scoliosis, experience matters. Since 1988, Dr. Matthew Haumesser has led the way at Eastern Hills Chiropractic in Cincinnati. This clinic strives to put patients first no matter what and offers treatment to children as well as adults. They use a range of proven techniques to better tailor treatment to the needs of each individual patient. They also go above and beyond to create a friendly, welcoming office environment. Learn more about their chiropractic care approach by visiting them online, or call (513) 528-2200 to schedule an appointment today.