
Visits to the dentist can be stressful for any child, but the experience can be especially difficult for children with autism. Not only are they surrounded by unfamiliar sights, sounds, and textures, autistic children can be overwhelmed by a stranger putting their fingers in their mouths. Below are a few tips for making dental visits easier.

How to Keep Children With Autism Calm at the Dentist

1. Speak to the Dentist

Working with autistic children requires a compassionate approach and specialized training. Not all dentists have the experience or education to make visits less traumatic for neurodivergent children. When scheduling your appointment, ask the dentist whether they have experience in this area and what they do to meet the unique needs of autistic children.

2. Prioritize Dental Hygiene

Making oral hygiene a priority in your home will decrease the chances of cavities and more intensive dental treatments. Helping your children brush and inspecting your teeth yourself can help make visits seem more routine.

3. Get Dental Implements of Your Own


Giving your child a chance to familiarize themselves with dental tools can make visits much less scary and overwhelming. If possible, order some basic dental tools of your own, and let your child handle them. When they arrive for their dental appointment, they’ll already be familiar with the sights and textures of the mirrors and other tools.

4. Bring a Tablet or DVD Player

Many children with autism find comfort in watching their favorite videos. If your dentist’s office doesn’t have screens in the exam rooms, bring a tablet or portable DVD player and queue up their favorite movie. Having someone to watch can help distract your child from what the dentist is doing with their teeth.

5. Avoid Sensory Overload

The sound of the drill can be extremely overwhelming for many children with autism, while others react to the bright lights. A pair of high-quality headphones can muffle the sound or allow your child to listen to their favorite music during the procedure.

If your child is light-sensitive, you might consider bringing a pair of sunglasses for them to wear. Reducing the lights can be enough to help prevent sensory meltdowns and make the dentist’s visit less stressful for your child.


Since 1990, Craig A Spletzer DDS has been providing high-quality, affordable dental care to families throughout Fairfield, OH. They pride themselves on creating a relaxing environment and going out of their way to make everyone as comfortable as possible. Visit their website for more on their services, or call (513) 860-1133 to make a dentist’s appointment today.
