
A root canal procedure is when a dentist removes the pulp from inside a decayed or infected tooth. Although it sounds complicated, it is just a special type of cavity-filling procedure. However, many people wonder if they can undergo such a procedure if they wear braces. The short answer is, "Yes." Below is a more detailed response.

How Is a Root Canal Performed?

Pulp damage can occur due to deep decay, multiple dental procedures on a tooth, or injury due to trauma. The dentist performs tests to see if the tooth needs a root canal. They test for hot/cold sensitivity, look for outward signs of infection, and usually x-ray the area. 

When a procedure is required, the area around the tooth is numbed to prevent pain. Then the dentist drills a small hole in the top of the remove the infected pulp within and disinfect the canal. The cavity within the tooth is then filled with permanent—or sometimes temporary—dental material

How Do Braces Affect a Root Canal?

root canal

Most braces wrap around or are mounted to the outside of the tooth. Because a root canal affects only what is inside the tooth, braces do not pose a serious obstacle. 

However, depending on the location of the mounting and whether the braces are wrapped around or cemented onto the tooth, your dentist may need to remove the braces to gain access. In most cases, this is not necessary. In fact, you can mount braces on a tooth that has recently had a root canal, though the orthodontist may choose to make a more gradual correction.

How Do You Perform Aftercare?

After such a procedure, avoid putting pressure on the tooth while eating. Chew on the opposite side of your mouth, and avoid touching the tooth with your tongue or fingers. Brush regularly, but do so gently and with a soft-bristled brush. 

Be aware that, after your braces are removed, you may need to have a permanent crown installed if damage occurs. A tooth without pulp can grow brittle over time, so you need to monitor it for chips or cracks. Finally, be sure to take pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory medications to manage discomfort.


If you need a root canal, contact Craig A Spletzer, DDS, the premier family dentist in Fairfield, OH. He and his team have served Butler County since 1990. They also specialize in braces, veneers, missing teeth and teeth whitening. They are renowned throughout the Greater Cincinnati area for their compassionate care, friendly staff, and successful outcomes. Learn more about them on their website or call (513) 860-1133 to make an appointment.
