
Whether you drive a lot for your job or like to take road trips, you probably know that sitting in the same position for long periods can leave you with tight muscles and persistent neck or back pain. While you can’t get up and stretch every 15 minutes in the car, you can take a few steps to keep your back pain-free. Below are three easy ways to reduce the discomfort associated with driving.

How to Address Back Pain While Driving

1. Make Adjustments

If your seat or steering wheel is set at a bad angle, you may be putting extra strain on your back without realizing it. Set the seat back at an upright angle where it supports your back, all the way from the lumbar area to your upper neck. Otherwise, you might strain your neck and shoulders forward to compensate. Adjust the steering wheel and seat depth so that your elbows are bent at roughly 90 degrees when you’re holding the wheel.

2. Take Breaks

back painNo matter how well-positioned you are in the car, your back will eventually start to get stiff from the inactivity. Taking breaks at least every couple hours and doing a short series of stretches will keep muscles from tightening and becoming painful. Breaks are also beneficial because they keep your joints from getting too stiff.

3. Use Your Feet

When you’re sitting in a chair, your feet brace against the ground to stabilize your lower body, decreasing the pressure on the spine's lumbar disks. In the car, you need at least one foot to work the gas pedal, but you can keep the other firmly planted on the floor to provide some stability. If you use cruise control, keep both feet on the floor so that your knees are at a 90-degree angle.


Even with attentiveness to posture and stretching, back pain can be challenging to eradicate. The team at Forest Park Chiropractic & Acupuncture will help you manage and address neck and back pain. Based in Cincinnati, OH, their team is lead by Dr. Reed Moeller, who has been in the field since 1989. To learn more about how chiropractic treatment and acupuncture can address pain, visit their website. Call (513) 742-0880 to inquire about appointments.
