
Going blond can completely transform your look. If you have natural hair, it’s best to visit a salon so a professional can expertly apply the new hair color while preserving the strands. Here’s what you should expect when heading to a consultation with a stylist.

How to Get Natural Hair Bleached

1. Be Patient

hair color

Unfortunately, you won’t leave the salon with a head full of blond hair right away. The process can take a few visits, as the colorist will gradually adjust the hue to prevent excessive dryness and damage to your hair. 

While a stylist will tell you how many sessions you'll need to schedule, know that it may take a few months to achieve your desired hair color.

2. Halt Other Treatments

Before changing your hair color, stop other chemical treatments, including ones for straightening. Chemical relaxers and processing weaken the strands, making them susceptible to damage. 

If your hair is already relaxed, your stylist may offer a few solutions for preserving its integrity while altering the shade, like staying within your natural hair's color palette. Switching only to brown or honey brown will reduce the number of chemicals in your tresses, creating a look you'll love without compromising strand health.

3. Moisturize It

Bleaching strips locks of some of their natural oils. When you have curls, the scalp’s sebum doesn't disperse evenly throughout the hair shaft, which can make your tresses even more vulnerable to breakage after coloring. 

To prevent this, use moisturizing products at home, such as castor oil and leave-in conditioner. Maintaining a hydrating routine in between sessions will keep your hair healthy and primed for the next appointment. 


If you’re ready to go blond, visit the experienced stylists at Larijames Salon & Spa in Webster, NY. Having served the community since 1982, these professionals will make your hair color goals a reality. Whether you’re interested in highlights or want to make a complete shift from dark to light, they will provide stunning results and tips to help you maintain your color in between appointments. Visit the website to find out more about their work, or call (585) 671-5140 to schedule an appointment. 
