
Owning a gun safe is an important part of being a firearms owner. It is a place to protect your weapons from moisture and damage and more importantly, keeps them safely locked away from children and others who haven’t received proper gun safety training. If you’re purchasing your first safe, here are a few tips to use throughout the buying process.

What to Consider When Buying a Gun Safe

1. Consider Future Needs


It’s best to know the measurements of your current weapons before choosing a model, so you know everything will fit. You should also think about what you’ll buy in the future. Investing in a new shotgun, for example, or intending to purchase a hunting rifle for a child coming of age means you’ll need additional space in the safe. Plan for the future when buying, so you won’t run out of room and have to upgrade later.

2. Buy a Thick Door

Just because a gun safe is metal doesn’t mean it’s impenetrable. It’s not difficult for a burglar to break through 14- to 16-gauge sheet metal with a hammer and screwdriver. As a rule of thumb, the safe door should be a minimum of 11-gauge steel, and ideally, 10- to 7-gauge. This is thick enough to protect against force break-in attempts. Look for a safe door with a quarter inch solid steel plate. These are better rated for burglary prevention.

3. Understand Security Ratings

The gun safe industry has specific safety ratings for safe endurance. It also grades the overall value of the items that should be stored. At the bottom is an RSC rating for $5,000. This means the safe lasted for five minutes during a break-in attempt in a controlled setting. Because of this low endurance, owners shouldn’t store more than $5,000 worth of items inside. These ratings go as high as TRTL-30X6. These safes withstood 30 minutes of high-powered torch and tool attacks on all six sides and are rated for $1 million in valuables.


For more guidance on buying a firearms safe, contact Shooter’s Firearms & Indoor Range. Based in Columbia, IL, these professionals are committed to helping gun owners stay safe. They offer extensive safety training at their shooting range, as well as competitions. They also carry a large selection of firearms from industry-leading brands. Call (618) 281-6393 to speak with a sales associate, and connect on Facebook for more tips. Visit their website to learn more about the company.
