Answering 4 FAQ About Live Scan Fingerprinting
Whether you’re applying for a nursing license or going through concealed carry training, fingerprinting is an essential part of the process. Livescan fingerprinting is a revolutionary new technology that creates incredibly accurate images, minimizing the risk of mistakes that can lead to unnecessary delays. Below are answers to some common questions about live scan fingerprinting.
Answering Common Questions About Live Scan Fingerprinting
What is live scan fingerprinting?
Instead of ink and a pad of paper, live scan devices use a plate of glass and your fingerprint is digitally scanned. This process produces far superior results that are immediately digitized, reducing the risk of mistakes and lost files.
What are the advantages of live scan fingerprinting?
Age, working in construction, or exposure to certain chemicals can make some people’s fingerprints difficult to read. Live scan records are much clearer than traditional ink fingerprints, which minimizes the chances of misidentification. This state-of-the-art technology also alerts technicians immediately if there’s a problem with the fingerprint. Being able to retake the fingerprint immediately can prevent delays with your application later.
How do I submit my live scan fingerprints to state agencies?
If you’re going through an employment background track, completing concealed carry training, or applying for a professional license, an employer or a state agency will need a copy of your fingerprints. Instead of submitting paper records, the digitized copies are kept on file for the recipient to retrieve later. This eliminates the chances of your fingerprint records being lost or damaged in transit.
What documentation do I need to bring as proof of identity?
When you have your fingerprints taken, you’ll need to bring proof of identity. In Illinois, you’ll have to submit either a valid driver’s license or a state ID card issued by a government agency.
Along with concealed carry training classes and certification, Shooter's Firearms & Indoor Range offers fingerprinting services to individuals throughout the Columbia area. They pride themselves on delivering fast, effective service using some of the most advanced fingerprinting technology on the market. Visit their website for more concealed carry training and fingerprinting services, follow their Facebook for updates, or call (618) 281-6393 to make an appointment today.