
Keeping in shape after an injury, weight gain, or illness reduces your mobility is tricky. People often believe they can no longer work out or be active if they're temporarily immobilized. However, physical rehabilitation and specialized exercises will allow you to retain a measure of fitness and boost your mood and self-esteem. If you're experiencing a temporary medical or health setback, here's how you can work to stay in shape. 

Exercising With Limited Mobility

All exercise is beneficial, though you may experience more noticeable bodily changes like weight loss and muscle gain with high-intensity workouts. Regardless of your current physical condition, you can reap the health benefits of physical activities as long as you target your cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility. 

physical rehabilitation

Cardiovascular exercises include anything that increases your heart rate and boosts your endurance, like running, biking, and swimming. While these activities may be challenging if you have limited mobility, aquatic exercise in a private or local pool will aid with physical rehabilitation. The buoyancy of the water will support your weight and reduce pressure on your joints, even if you use a wheelchair or other mobility device.

Strength training is essential for building muscle and bone mass, while activities that target flexibility improve your range of motion and reduce stiffness. You can work out other parts of your body that don't have limited mobility. For instance, if your legs are the affected body parts, you can lift weights to gain upper body strength and stretch your legs to prevent muscle atrophy or deterioration from lack of use.

Working Out With a Limb in a Cast

If your lack of mobility is due to a cast on your leg, arm, wrist, or foot, you likely won't be able to do contact sports or intense workouts. However, you can alter your routine to still get some of the exercise you need. 

For example, chair yoga may be beneficial. The regime allows you to sit or use a chair as a prop, which is good if your lower limb is in a cast. Yoga focuses on stretching and relaxing, which helps you improve your flexibility and possibly manage your pain. You could also perform exercises while lying down, like leg lifts using a resistance band, or sit while using a medical pedal exerciser to tone your arms, back, and shoulders. 


If you have limited mobility, physical rehabilitation is possible with the help of skilled professionals from Spectrum Healthcare in Cornelia, GA. This medical clinic offers reliable services to help people throughout Habersham County improve their wellness. Services include everything from pain management for arthritis to the treatment of minor wounds. Chiropractor and fitness professional Dr. Corey Mote also works with patients who need help alleviating pain and staying fit. Learn more about the clinic's services by calling (706) 778-0077 or visiting them online
