
March 14 through 19 is National Sleep Awareness Week. During this time, medical providers and healthcare workers raise awareness about the importance of sleep and its related issues, including insomnia and sleep apnea. Here's more information about these conditions to determine if either applies to you.

Sleep Apnea

What It Is

Often referred to as snoring, sleep apnea is a common disorder where a person stops breathing periodically throughout the night. Stop-and-start breathing takes several forms: obstructive sleep apnea, which blocks the upper airway, and central sleep apnea, which occurs when the brain doesn't send breathing instructions to the correlating muscles.

Symptoms & Causes

Sleep apnea symptoms consist of loud snoring, waking with a dry mouth, morning headaches, fatigue, and problems concentrating. Obesity is a risk factor, as excessive body weight puts pressure on the upper airway and increases the risk of collapse. Alcohol and tobacco use are also risk factors since they relax the throat muscles and increase airway fluid retention.

Additionally, advanced age can cause this condition because the airway's size decreases over time, and pharyngeal resistance, a swallowing problem, increases. Central sleep apnea risk factors include prior strokes and other traumatic brain injuries that change how the organ instructs breathing during sleep.


Some people lose weight and abstain from alcohol and tobacco to prevent airway blockages, fluid retention, and overly-relaxed throat muscles. Breathing devices also provide relief; airway pressure devices keep the air flowing continuously, and oral appliances maintain open airways during sleep.

medical provider

Surgical procedures may be necessary after exhausting all other treatments, such as removing the tonsils to promote efficient airflow or making a hole in the trachea to insert a breathing tube. The latter treatment applies to severe, potentially life-threatening cases.


What It Is

Individuals diagnosed with insomnia by medical providers have trouble falling or staying asleep. The condition can be a short or long-term issue and comes in two forms: primary and secondary.

Symptoms & Causes

Primary insomnia occurs from stress, sleep schedule changes, and environmental disturbances, like bright lights and loud noises. Secondary insomnia is related to a medical condition that interferes with restful sleep, such as asthma, depression, and arthritis. Excessive caffeine consumption and drug or alcohol abuse can also cause secondary insomnia. The symptoms of this condition include fatigue, irritability, and problems concentrating.


Insomnia treatment depends on its type and cause; using blackout shades in a quiet bedroom can address primary insomnia while avoiding stimulants addresses secondary. You can also tire the brain and body by exercising regularly or participate in a sleep study to identify your insomnia triggers and create a healthy rest regimen.


If you want to sleep better, turn to Hillside Family Medicine in Anchorage, AK. These medical providers offer at-home sleep study machines to help you get to the root of your restless nights. Get more information about their services online, or call (907) 344-0200 to make an appointment.
