5 Boat Storage Mistakes to Avoid
Boat storage is a crucial aspect of boat ownership that needs to be given the utmost attention. Proper boat storage helps to protect your investment from damage caused by harsh weather conditions and other environmental factors. However, many boat owners make some common storage mistakes that can cause significant damage to their boats. In this article, we discuss the top five boat storage mistakes to avoid.
5 Boat Storage Mistakes to Avoid
1. Failing to Clean the Boat Before Storage
One of the most common boat storage mistakes is failing to clean the boat before storing it. Dirt, salt, and other debris can cause damage to the boat's exterior and interior surfaces over time. Before storing your boat, it is essential to clean it thoroughly to remove any dirt, debris, or salt.
2. Storing the Boat Without Cover
Storing the boat without a cover exposes it to the elements, which can cause significant damage over time. Sun, rain, and snow can cause the boat's exterior and interior surfaces to deteriorate, leading to costly repairs. To protect your boat from the elements, always store it with a high-quality cover.
3. Ignoring the Fuel System
Leaving fuel in the boat's tank over an extended period can cause it to degrade, leading to engine problems. It is essential to add a fuel stabilizer to the tank before storing the boat to prevent fuel degradation. Also, ensure that you run the engine for a few minutes after adding the stabilizer to distribute it throughout the fuel system.
4. Choosing the Wrong Storage Location
Choosing the wrong storage location can also cause significant damage to your boat. Avoid storing the boat near trees or other structures that can fall on it during severe weather conditions. Additionally, ensure that the storage location is dry, well-ventilated, and free of pests to prevent damage to the boat's interior.
5. Failing to Maintain the Battery
Failing to maintain the boat's battery is another common storage mistake. Leaving the battery connected while storing the boat can cause it to lose its charge over time, leading to battery failure. It is essential to disconnect the battery, store it in a dry place, and charge it every few weeks to maintain its charge.
Proper boat storage is essential to protect your investment from damage. If you're looking for a reliable storage facility, Windmill Storage and Business Park is an excellent choice. They provide storage solutions for clients across Kalispell, Whitefish, and Columbia Falls, MT. Contact them today at (406) 892-8900 for more information, or visit their website.