
A surge of electricity can affect your home at virtually any time. Power surges can result from external sources, or they can be caused by the appliances you use on a daily basis. Regardless of the source, homeowners must understand the nature of power surges, why they occur, and what can be done about them. This guide covers a few key points to keep your home safe and secure.  

Why Do Power Surges Usually Occur at Home?

1. Lightning Storms

Lightning striking your home can cause massive damage, especially if a fire breaks out. Lightning can be just as damaging when it hits an area near your home, such as an electrical line. This can send a surge of electricity into the property and potentially destroy expensive electronics like laptops, gaming systems, and smartphones. You can't prevent inclement weather, but you can take precautions when you know a storm is approaching. For example, unplugging electronics until after the storm passes can spare you expensive damage should lightning strike nearby. 

2. Overloaded Outlets


Power surges can also result from internal issues. Plugging too many devices into a single outlet via power strips or extension cords can cause electricity to surge through your wiring. If you have an older home with an older electrical system, you might lack the necessary outlets for modern gadgets. The power output of the system may also be insufficient, which can lead to short circuiting and other types of dysfunction. A wiring upgrade is the best way to bring your electrical system into the 21st century. 

3. Damaged Wiring

In addition to being insufficient for the power needs of your home and gadgets, faulty wiring also plays a role in surges. Damage to the insulation around wires can leave them exposed, which increases the risk of malfunctions and short circuiting. Flickering lights and heat emanating from appliances when in use can also indicate a fault in your home's wiring. Keep in mind that this is a serious issue that requires timely professional repair, so it's best to get your system evaluated as soon as possible.  


When you have questions about home electricity, Fitzgerald Utilities in Georgia is here to provide answers. This utility provider is highly invested in its customers and has been since 1907. Thanks to their partnership with the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, you can rest assured of dependable, affordable service at your home, whether you're just signing up or need repairs to your system. Learn more about this trusted utility company by calling (229) 426-5400 today or visit the website for more information. 
