
Working in construction is challenging, especially when you consider the many hazards that exist on worksites. Because it often involves working around loud equipment, hearing loss is another risk that all construction employees must be aware of. Here's a look at how issues occur and what you can do to prevent them in the future. 

Why Is Noise-Induced Hearing Loss So Common?

Construction sites are noisy places, with heavy machinery and power tools generating high levels of noise. When workers are exposed to these noises for extended periods, it can cause permanent damage to their hearing. Noise-induced hearing loss occurs when the hair cells in the inner ear are damaged, leading to a reduction in the ability to hear certain sounds.

The damage to hearing is cumulative, meaning that workers may not notice any immediate changes in their hearing ability. However, over time, the damage becomes more severe, leading to a permanent reduction in hearing ability.

What Are Common Signs of Hearing Problems?

Common symptoms include difficulty understanding speech, ringing in the ears, and a feeling of fullness in the ears. Workers may also find themselves turning up the volume on their electronic devices or asking others to repeat themselves.

If left untreated, hearing loss can lead to social isolation, depression, and decreased quality of life. It is essential for workers to seek medical attention if they experience any of these symptoms.

How Can You Maintain Healthy Hearing?

One of the most effective ways is to use hearing protection, such as earplugs or earmuffs. It is crucial to wear hearing protection at all times on the job site. OSHA requires employers to provide hearing protection to their workers.

If possible, try to avoid being near loud machinery or equipment for extended periods of time. Take breaks in a quieter area to give your ears a chance to rest. It is also important to monitor the noise levels around you. If you notice that the noise level is too high, speak up and ask your supervisor to reduce the noise level.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also help prevent hearing loss. Research has shown that smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to hearing loss. Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can also improve your overall health, which may help prevent hearing loss.


If you're concerned you've already experienced noise-related hearing loss, now is the time to contact Northwest Alabama Hearing Clinic. This audiologist conducts comprehensive exams to determine the patient's exact level of hearing problems, which is the first step to finding the right treatment. The clinic also provides a wide variety of assistive devices to enhance your hearing and your quality of life. Visit the website for the full listing of services or call (205) 952-9944 to schedule a hearing test today. 
