
Hearing loss, ear pain, and fullness in the ear are all common symptoms of ear infections. If you or your loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms it may be time to seek medical attention. Here are some frequently asked questions about ear infections.

FAQs About Ear Infections

Q: What Is an Ear Infection?

A: An ear infection is an inflammation of the middle ear, usually caused by bacteria or viruses. It can occur in both children and adults and can lead to hearing loss if left untreated.


Q: How Do I Know If I Have an Ear Infection?

A: The symptoms of an ear infection include ear pain, fever, difficulty hearing or hearing loss, and a full feeling in the ear. If you or your child is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is best to see a doctor.


Q: Are Ear Infections Contagious?

A: Ear infections themselves are not contagious, but the viruses or bacteria that cause them can be. It is important to wash your hands frequently and avoid close contact with people who have colds or other respiratory infections.


Q: How Are Ear Infections Treated?

A: Treatment for ear infections depends on the severity of the infection. Mild infections may go away on their own, but more severe infections may require antibiotics or other medications. Pain relievers may also be prescribed to relieve pain and discomfort.



Don't let hearing loss affect your quality of life. Whether you’re need a hearing screening, earwax removal, or hearing aid repair, Northwest Alabama Hearing Clinic is here to help. They provide compassionate care for patients across Hamilton, AL, and the surrounding areas. Call (205) 952-9944 or visit their website to schedule an appointment today. 
