
Compared to other pavement options, gravel is easier to install, more affordable, and longer lasting. While this surface does have its benefits, routine maintenance is necessary to keep it in good shape. If you’re worried about the functionality and appearance of your gravel parking lot, here are a few signs you might need to call a paving contractor for repairs.

5 Reasons to Have Your Gravel Parking Lot Repaired

1. Washouts

When layers of gravel are washed out by heavy storms or floods, your parking lot is more likely to experience drainage problems. If you spot puddles, a paving contractor can help level and grade the surface to ensure water can flow away from the property to keep your lot free from moisture problems and splash risks.

2. Potholes

Drainage issues and soil erosion are common reasons why potholes appear in gravel lots. Affecting more than just the look of your surface, potholes can damage cars passing through and cause bottlenecks. Fortunately, contractors can resolve the issue by removing debris from the pothole, filling it with new gravel, and compacting it to keep the surface solid.

3. Safety

gravelOver time, gravel bits can get moved around a lot, causing the surface to become uneven. When the lot isn’t perfectly level, customers and employees face a higher risk of tripping when walking around the property. If excessively loose or displaced gravel is impairing the safety of your building, call a professional to level and compact the surface.

4. Excess Dirt

If too much gravel disperses, your parking lot can develop thin spots where underlying soil becomes exposed. When the soil dries, dirt will stir up, creating an unpleasant—and dusty—environment for your staff and customers. To stop the dirt, have new gravel added to the surface and compacted.

5. Snowplowing Damage

When snowplowing a gravel lot, it’s important to use caution or else the equipment might dig up too much aggregate when picking up snow. If you find that winter snow removal has scarred your parking lot, have the damaged patches refilled and paved to keep the surface intact.


Backed with heavy-duty machinery and a wealth of experience, Tom’s Bobcat & Snowplowing is one of the best paving contractors of the La Crosse, WI, region. Specializing in gravel parking lot and driveway repair, this team can confidently address all types of damage and restore the look and functionality of your surface. In addition to repairs and maintenance, this team also offers 24/7 snowplowing services to remove accumulation, while minimizing damage to your lot. Visit this contractor online to learn more about their comprehensive paving and landscaping services, or call (608) 785-1888 to request responsive service today.
